Friday 8 February 2013

Grave goods

Grave goods..

What goodies would I take with me to my grave? This is a hard one I suppose since I don't really have any hobbies. Or talents to show for. I guess I couldn't bring a piece of sports equipment or an instrument or a chefs hat, or a microphone or.. well you get the point. My talents are slim. But I suppose the things I do love, I love a lot. Unfortunately, the 'things' I love the most are still actively breathing (thankfully), so I think I'll have to be symbolic, if not to be morbid.
Well, anyone I'm close with would most likely give you similar answers to the ones I put out here, perhaps in the next blog post I'll ask a roommate or a family member.

What would I bring?...

I suppose each thing should implicate what we'd like to share with those digging up my grave, although the things I'm bringing will not all last the testament of time, as well, some may not be so straight forward, but nothing in archaeology is straight forward, so why not join the bandwagon?

1. I'd bring my brothers. ...Or at least a photo of us, they are my best friends and my older brothers and I love them to death (...literally)
2. I'd need a cat with me.. but since I'm not yet a crazy cat lady, (although perhaps I would be by this point..) I guess I could bring something that expresses my crazy cat lady tenancies, such as my bedazzled cat sweater, instead of forcing a cat into a grave with me. or one of my cat cups.. I have mugs with cats on them that I am very fond of (although I don't have any pictures of them.. .. how cool is my sweater?

3. Earrings. I must have earrings. I don't wear very much jewellery, but I fell naked without earrings. I'd insist upon my wire earrings with the green/brown stones. My brother bought them for me in Nicaragua (my favourite place that I have travelled to) and they just remind me of such fun times when we travelled around the country.. oh, how I love to travel. All of my friends could recognize my earrings instantly, what better to have in my grave then something so personal?
4. A deck of cards.. or two. I LOVE to play cards. I could play for hours and hours and hours and be perfectly content. I'll pretty much play until my opponent begs me to stop. Also a great way to pass the time while travelling.
5. A map of the earth. I love maps. I love knowing where things are. I like maps. I have them all over my walls. I also love atlases.. perhaps one of those would be better.. perhaps an atlas would be best. there are more maps within an atlas.. although I could rap myself in a large map of the world and be all comfy and warm.
6. Mittens! I have horrific circulations and I ALWAYS have mittens with me. How could I break pattern when I'm stuck in the damp ground for eternity. I will definitely need mittens!!

Well, I suppose this blog makes me seem a little bit more crazy than sentimental.. but, that's just who I am, I suppose. I will try and ask my friends what they think would suit me. Hopefully with similar, or more interesting results!

Until next time!

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