Friday 1 March 2013

"Executed today"

While writing a paper for one of my classes, I came across a resource that I instantly thought would do just fine for a blog post!.. A blog entitled "Execution Today". I really am shocked to see how many blogs there are out there, especially about death. So much information about death. This site has a sophisticated database which allows you to either click on a calendar, or click the "random execution" button. Clicking on either of these will bring you to a page of someone executed in the past on that day.I spent some time clicking the "random" button, lord knows I love a good Russian Roulette game. The basic format of the site: Each page gives a title of the specific execution, and the name. Then goes on to give a brief back story to why they are being executed, perhaps the court case if there was one, and then the death sentence and aftermath. Some a lengthy, and some give a brief encounter, depending on how much information is circulating for that given case. Often there are pictures or videos, something to make the screen look more enticing. Below the specific case, there are links to other executions on that day in history, as well as a section for "possibly related executions" which you can also explore. An interesting thing about this site is that as a blog, you can of course leave comments or post on the page. You can also find "recent executions". Oddly enough, you can also find advertisements for links to "10 executions that defined the '90s'", or the 60's, etc. It's odd to think that you can pinpoint the "top" executions. Who gets to decide that? Is it based on how "cruel" they were? How "graphic"? If they were "political"? It seems that there is a mix. This site is SO interesting. It fits in so nicely with my love of history and historic tragedy. I spent about an hour looking through the pages.. I was planning on glancing through for only a few minutes, but I got so engrossed. I read things from across the globe and read about executions as far back as the 1400s, although I doubt that the fun stops there! I learned about the last female execution in South Africa, I learned about the execution of Nazi doctors executed after their Nuremberg Trail ended, and on and on. SO fascinating! I encourage everyone to take a look! Such fun history!! Send me links if you find something particularly "intriguing".

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